Market understanding and segmentation
Gain an in-depth understanding of your market and category using a range of qualitative and quantitative techniques to understand the why, when, where, what, how and why not!? I can segment your market to help you understand usage and attitudes, primary and secondary targets, plan your product portfolio and identify new opportunities.
UX and design
Create personas and use HCD methods to create better products and experiences. I conduct both exploratory research, gaining a deep understanding of user needs, motivations and desires, and evaluative research to test solutions and evaluate prototypes.
Connect with your customers and gain their input earlier in the product development life cycle to improve the likelihood your product will succeed. I can test various elements of your product before you build or release it to market, measuring it’s desirability and recommending further iterations if needed.
Brand and communications
Healthy brands have unique personalities and relate to people in meaningful ways through effective communication. I can help you define what is, or could be unique about your brand, and how you can drive growth. I can conduct pre or post campaign research to identify improvements to drive saliency and strengthen your brand positioning within the minds of consumers.
Discover what customers are willing to pay for a product or a service. Through sophisticated analysis, such as conjoint or choice modelling, I can determine the optimal price point to maximize profit, revenue, or market share.